Monday: 19.00 - 20.30
Wednesday: 19.00 - 20.30
Friday: 07.30 - 08.30
Budo - the Martial Way
Ken & Aikido
At Tetsushinkan Dojo, Aikido is taught together with the Kenjutsu (sword techniques) of Kashima No Tachi and the two arts are integrated within our methodology. Over the past 30 years Paul Smith, Head of Tetsushinkan Dojo, has studied with Inaba Sensei, previous Head of The Shiseikan Budojo at Meiji Jingu, in Tokyo. Profoundly influenced by Kuni Zenya, Inaba Sensei has combined these two distinct arts in a unique and complementary manner, creating a sophisticated methodology that weaves sword and empty-handed techniques into a fully integrated and inseparable whole. Paul Smith has rigorously researched this relationship between Ken and Aikido evolving an understanding that is expressed in his distinct approach to the teaching of Budo. The essence of Inaba Sensei’s teaching continues to inform Paul’s on-going exploration.
What is Aikido?
Aikido relies on the use of techniques combined with energy ("ki") to control and redirect an opponent's force.
Aikido is a relatively modern, non-competitive martial art for the development of mind, body and spirit. It was developed by Morihei Ueshiba around 1930 based on his detailed knowledge of several traditional martial arts, most notably Daito Ryu Jujutsu. Aikido is often characterised by its fluid and dynamic movement. We practice defence against a wide variety of strikes, punches and holds, including attacks with weapons. It is practiced by men and women of all ages (not just the young and fit!).
Our style is influenced by the teaching of Inaba Sensei of The Shiseikan Dojo, Meiji Jingu, Tokyo.
Tetsushinkan Teaching Team
Lead Instructor and dojo leader - Sensei Paul Smith 6th dan
Assistant instructors:
Neil Urquhart 4th dan
Satoshi Date 2nd dan
Rosalie Wahlfrid 2nd dan
Natsumi Kuroda 2nd dan
Associate Instructors:
Stan Lee 5th Dan
Tony Doubleday 4th Dan
Tanga Wanda 3rd Dan
Traditional Japanese Martial Arts Training in the heart of Islington

“To me, the extraordinary aspect of martial arts lies in its simplicity. The easy way is also the right way..."
Kunii Zen'ya
New Unity Hall, 277A Upper St, London N1 2TZ
Paul Smith: 07764 226407